Sector Analytics

DeGA provides clients with tailored analytics for each sector. We build on project experience and sector specific data to deliver customized analytical research and recommendations to meet clients needs. DeGA has in-house expertise in Agribusiness, Natural Resource Management, and Climate Smart Agriculture. We cover areas including market and value-chain analysis, growth opportunity assessment, risk assessment, policy analysis and scaling strategies. DeGA can deliver sector analytics through products such as:

  • Systematic reviews and gap analysis

  • Case studies

  • Guidance notes and policy briefs

Logic Frames & Theory of Change

DeGA works with clients to define how a project, program or policy initiative is expected to lead to the outcomes and impacts. DeGA builds logic models based on evidence, using relevant sector literature, and experience from similar project. We work with clients to define the links among project activities, outputs, shorter-term and medium-term outcomes and long-term impacts. We also identify the underlying assumptions being made with respect to how the change will occur. We take into account the timeframe for outcomes and impacts to materialize, highlight the inherent risks of interventions, and tailor logic models to reflect that benefit streams vary among stakeholders.

Economic Modeling, Cost Benefit and Beneficiary Analysis

Economic modeling and cost benefit analysis help clients show project effectiveness and the economic gain for each dollar invested. DeGA works with clients to construct or review a project’s economic model. We take into account various potential benefit streams and costs, but also how they affect various stakeholders. DeGA brings specialized knowledge of key assumptions underpinning cost-benefit analysis and beneficiary impact analysis for agriculture, land governance and tenure interventions. We can also specify models with disaggregation among stakeholder groups, including women, to allow for detailed and focused analysis.

Monitoring & Evaluation Frameworks

Without effective monitoring and evaluation, how do we know whether or not projects are succeeding? DeGA helps our clients develop and sharpen monitoring and evaluation in order to achieve strong performance management. We work closely with clients to create a personalized roadmap for achieving high quality, responsive monitoring and evaluation. These M&E frameworks can include:

  • Definition functions, roles responsibilities for monitoring and evaluation

  • M&E policies facilitating standardized M&E approaches across organizations or governments, along with M&E guidelines explaining the “how-to” for all M&E activities

  • M&E plans that identify log frames, key performance indicators, evaluation management and M&E work plans

  • Data collection tools

  • M&E capacity development delivered through training modalities customized to clients’ needs.


Evaluations are critical for measuring and understanding why our clients attain certain results and impacts from their interventions. At DeGA, we work with clients to understand their evaluation needs and design evaluations accordingly. We support a broad spectrum of evaluations, including rigorous impact evaluations using counterfactuals, and performance evaluations where counterfactuals or comparison groups are less easily identified. We ensure evaluation design is informed by sector expertise: we bring unparalleled in house expertise in agriculture, land governance and tenure, and count with a roster of experts for a range of other sectors. Our evaluation services include:

  • Defining research questions and hypothesis proposal

  • Identifying evaluation methodologies, related data sources, and timeline for data collection

  • Supporting data collection field work, entry and quality control

  • Data analysis, and presentation and dissemination of evaluation findings

  • Drafting policy briefs that help clients feed evaluation recommendations back into decision making